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Terre de Hommes - Burkina Faso
Terre des hommes (Tdh) has been active in Burkina Faso since 1987 and carries out projects related to health, nutrition and child protection. In 2013, 500,000 people benefited from Tdh’s activities.
Terre de Hommes - Ernährung und Gesundheit für Frauen und Kinder
Die terre des hommes-Partnerorganisation ADEFAD arbeitet in zehn Projektdörfern im Norden des Landes. Die Schwerpunkte der Arbeit sind, Mangelern ährung zu bekämpfen und die Gesundheitssituation zu verbessern, vor allem von Kindern, schwangeren Frauen und Müttern. In einem der Programme lernen junge und angehende Mü tter, wie sie ihre Babys richtig ernähren, beispielsweise das Kind in den ersten sechs Monate zu stillen und aus den lokalen Grundnahrungsmitteln einen vollwertigen Brei zu kochen.
Terre de Hommes - Burundi
In Burundi unterstützt Terre des hommes (Tdh) seit 1985 die Einfü hrung eines Justizsystems, das den internationalen Schutznormen entspricht. Im Jahr 2011 haben 13’000 Kinder und Ihre Familien von den Aktivitäten von Terre des hommes profitieren k önnen.
You can visit the websites of the organisations directly and make your donation there. Our main aim is to inform you and this is very close to our heart. As we are aware of the time-consuming aspect of research and we want to make it easier for you to get informed, we often collect information for days or even weeks.
The organisations we donate to are not responsible for the content of this t-shirt/ design. The content does not necessarily reflect their opinion.
About the theme:
We want these designs to take on the role of a snapshot in time representing the 21st century and showing what is going on.
This hand is a symbol against the exploitation of children and adults!
We created this design to raise awareness . And we want to show the importance of supporting kids and young people in the world’s poorest countries, as well as their parents and adults - to prevent them becoming victimes of their poverty. We have created this design because we are against all types of slavery. This issue is very close to our heart.
This video expresses everything! This is the only way we can live together, caring for one another!
One Human Family, Food for All (Caritas Internationalis)
Based on an ancient story about hunger and sharing, this animated video is part of Caritas’ “One Human Family, Food for All” campaign. The “allegory of the spoons”teachesus that when we struggle to feed only ourselves,everyone goes hungry. But when we focus on our neighbour’s hunger, we discover there are ways to feed everyone.
You can visit the websites of the organisations directly and make your donation there. Our main aim is to inform you and this is very close to our heart. As we are aware of the time-consuming aspect of research and we want to make it easier for you to get informed, we often collect information for days or even weeks.
Your Baraq team
25 Things You Should Know About Blood Diamonds
Although most of the products we buy have a sickening back story laced with exploitation, violence, and greed, there is unfortunately not much that can be done about it. At the very least we don't need to be ignorant. These are 25 things you should know about blood diamonds.
Blood Diamonds of Sierra Leone
Blood Diamonds" are mined and then sold to finance corrupt regimes or warlords. This clip which I Segment Produced takes a look at the impact of conflict diamonds in Sierra Leone. This clip is currently used in the Geography curriculum nationwide and abroad.
Rede der Kinder zur UN Klimakonferenz 1992 in Rio de Janeiro